MON OUI is the woman who finds joy daily. She empowers herself by making little moments in life extraordinary. Her well being and strong foundation gives her the power to inspire others around her. Oui can make a difference.

The literal translation of “Mon Oui” is “My Yes” in French, but there is deeper meaning behind our name as “Oui” was our inspiration word. “Oui” speaks out as “We” in English and we desired to create something that brought together good souls—while putting a focus on self care. Mon Oui is a capsule curated to romanticize your everyday life. Find happiness & joy in each moment, even the mundane.

Oui believe that oui, ourselves, need to be healthy before oui can help others.

Oui believe oui can make a difference.

Oui believe you matter.


MON OUI is currently just getting off the ground as we move towards growth in a variety of fields. We will continually research and develop new ideas to impact not only the individual, but the community and the world.

We advocate sustainability. Our current input in sustainability is providing quality styles to last, reducing waste. We will be working on other methods of sustainability as we grow as a company.

We’re in this together. We’d love to hear your input & ideas of how MON OUI can evolve to becoming a more impactful brand